Our HRC newsletters keep you up-to-date on health sector news and events, including funding round dates, results, policies and consultations.
Progress update on NZ Health Delivery investment changes
Euthanasia, consent waivers, and national ethics standards update
New breast cancer partnership projects
New Māori Health Advancement criterion for HRC research proposals
Changes for HRC Programme applications and farewell message from our chief executive
Waitangi Tribunal report reinforces need to address Māori health inequities
$81m awarded in our 2019 Project and Programme rounds
New MSD-HRC Māori Mental Health Research RFP - Emerging Leader Fellowship
Changes to NZ Health Delivery stream and Feasibility Study recipients announced.
An important message from the HRC in light of the Christchurch terror attack.
Final consultation on NZ's health research priorities begins.
Final consultation on NZ's health research priorities opens next week
Call for nominations - Liley Medal, Beaven Medal and Te Tohu Rapuora
Current funding opportunities, prioritisation update and health headlines
New Request for Proposals: 2019 Breast Cancer Register Partnership
New Request for Proposals - 2019 MSD-HRC Research RFP
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