A strong application is pivotal to gaining Health Research Council (HRC) funding. Preparation, and a complete vision for your research, is key.

Professor Ed Mitchell had HRC support for his research into sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and in 2015 was awarded the prestigious HRC Beaven Medal for his contribution to saving thousands of young lives.
Applicants for some of our key funding rounds, including Projects, Programmes, Emerging Researcher First Grants, and Feasibility Study grants, are required to consider the potential impact of their research right from the planning stages.
The Research Impact criterion centres around two sections: (1) a description of how an applicant's research might be used and the anticipated benefits for New Zealand; and (2) an action plan to maximise the use and benefits of research.
Applicants are encouraged to respond to these sections relative to their specific research context. We advise you to reference your line-of-sight to eventual impact, but focus the discussion on what is realistically achievable within your sphere of influence. Keep it relevant and keep it credible.
Further information to assist applicants and reviewers in their interpretation of the HRC’s Research Impact criterion is also available here.
Plan ahead for Māori health advancement
The HRC recognises that all health research, to different degrees, has the ability to advance Māori health and reduce inequities. So as part of our assessment process, the HRC now scores a research proposal’s potential to advance Māori health.
Māori health advancement, in the context of health research funded by the HRC, is defined as positive contributions to, and improvements of, Māori health and wellbeing, and/or reduction in health inequity.
Alignment with the Māori Health Advancement criterion as well as other assessment criteria will strengthen an application. Our Māori Health Advancement Guidelines are designed to help you describe how your proposed research will fit within this criterion. Though your research may focus on communities or populations other than Māori, you will still be required to consider how your research will also advance Māori health.
This short video on our Māori Health Advancement page also offers insights and views from well-known researchers regarding this criterion. More detailed interviews with each researcher are available to watch.
Pursue research excellence
Excellent research needs to be both methodologically sound and scientifically robust. It also identifies genuine knowledge gaps or needs, as well as being ethical, well-performed and well-reported. The principles of excellent research should underpin all research proposals. Read more here on what the HRC considers excellent research.