As part of our assessment process, the Health Research Council now scores a research proposal’s potential to advance Māori health.
Play the videos below to see Helen Moewaka-Barnes and other prominent researchers discuss the HRC's Māori Health Advancement initiative. For more information, read our Māori Health Advancement Guidelines for help in planning for, and contributing to, Māori health advancement. You can also read some general feedback given to health delivery research applicants about Māori health advancement.
Professor Cristin Print is with the Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology at The University of Auckland, working in the fields of genomics and cancer research. His team have made a commitment to working towards Māori health advancement and have been immensely grateful and humbled by the generosity of Māori colleagues, ranging from translating part of their website into Māori, to leading research tikanga and pulling them back when they have fallen short. Here he shares his views on the new Māori health advancement criteria introduced by the HRC.
Professor Helen Moewaka Barnes (Te Kapotai, Ngapuhi-nui-tonu) is director of Whāriki and co-director of the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre. She is a multidisciplinary social scientist with particular expertise in Māori health and developing research within Māori paradigms. In this video, she explains the significance of the Māori health advancement criterion.
Sir Richard Faull, Distinguished Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Centre for Brain Research at the University of Auckland, is a renowned neuroscientist specialising in human neurodegenerative diseases. Here he explains how his research has been responsive to Māori and the benefits that have resulted from working closely with Māori.