Today we are excited to announce the recipients of our Health Delivery Research investment round, which supports research that will directly contribute to improved healthcare delivery by informing decisions or changes to policy, practice or systems in the New Zealand health and disability sector. Congratulations to all 43 recipients, who have received a combined total of more than $13.5 million.
Health Delivery Research Project Grant
Dr Joanna Ting Wai Chu, The University of Auckland
The need for FASD intervention: Prevalence and knowledge in youth justice
36 months, $1,399,998
Dr Barbara Cormack, The University of Auckland
Development and implementation of national nutrition guidelines for preterm babies
36 months, $1,389,842
Dr Hemakumar Devan, University of Otago
Co-designing whānau stories to reduce opioid use for chronic pain in Aotearoa
48 months, $1,399,792
Dr Sarah Gordon, University of Otago
Enabling supported decision-making: mental health advance preference statements
36 months, $1,399,977
Dr Clare McCann, The University of Auckland
Embedding accessible communication in post-stroke care
36 months, $1,327,996
Associate Professor Nada Signal and Dr Margaret Hinepo Williams, Auckland University of Technology
Kanohi-ki-te-kanohi me te matihiko approaches: Promoting equity in stroke rehab
48 months, $1,385,300
Dr Michelle Wise, The University of Auckland
Self-assessment of ongoing pregnancy after early medical abortion; an RCT
36 months, $1,209,796
Professor Paul Young, Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
The STEPCARE trial
60 months, $1,399,911
Dr Jessica Young, Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington
Exploring the early experiences of the assisted dying service in Aotearoa
36 months, $1,399,973
Health Delivery Research Activation Grant 1
Dr Angelica Allermo Fletcher, Te Whatu Ora - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
Piloting a cerebral palsy early diagnosis hub in New Zealand
12 months, $29,705.24
Dr Peter Bergin, Auckland Hospital's Research and Endowment Fund
Use of EpiNet to communicate with Epilepsy New Zealand educators
18 months, $27,605
Miss Melissa Black, Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
Exercise for dysmenorrhea in New Zealand: Community engagement and literature review
14 months, $28,365
Dr Renoh Johnson Chalakkal, oDocs Eye Care
Effectiveness of teleophthalmology in the post-COVID-19 healthcare settings
9 months, $30,000
Dr Louise Curley, The University of Auckland
Enhancing access and equity in mental health
18 months, $29,981
Dr Emily Gill, The University of Auckland
Community Research Rōpū: value-based approach for a rural rohe
18 months, $30,000
Professor Leigh Hale, University of Otago
Exploring supported “self”-management within Aotearoa’s shifting health context
18 months, $30,000
Dr Mona Jeffreys, Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington
Establishing the long COVID collective
6 months, $29,914
Dr Karyn O'Keeffe, Massey University
Fatigue risk management in healthcare: Next steps
12 months, $30,000
Health Delivery Research Activation Grant 2
Dr Noha Ahmed Nasef, Massey University
Developing knowledge exchange on apple intake for equitable gut health outcomes
12 months, $28,315
Dr Daniela Aldabe, University of Otago
Better care for people with neurological disorders and LUTS
18 months, $20,494
Associate Professor Joanne Barnes, The University of Auckland
Natural health products in alcohol, tobacco and other substance use
18 months, $29,972
Dr Melissa Cadelis, The University of Auckland
Stimulating fungi to produce the next antibiotic
18 months, $29,863
Dr Joanna Ting Wai Chu, The University of Auckland
Consultation for a national fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) registry
18 months, $30,000
Dr Katie Douglas, University of Otago
Development of a brain training intervention for student mental health
18 months, $29,393
Dr Jennifer Dunn, University of Otago
Developing Early Vocational Rehabilitation after Stroke (EVIS) teams and methods
12 months, $29,927
Dr Rebecca Grattan, Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington
Moving towards an improved model of early intervention for psychosis in Aotearoa
12 months, $30,000
Dr Emily Gray, University of Otago
Increasing the accessibility and reach of cardiac rehabilitation in New Zealand
18 months, $29,941
Professor Niki Harre, The University of Auckland
A people-focused approach to greening Starship
14 months, $29,600
Mr Christopher Higgs, University of Otago
Transdisciplinary teams in primary care: The Health Hub Project NZ test case
12 months, $29,795
Ms Jo Hilder, University of Otago
Co-designing research on innovative vaccine delivery models for Māori and Pasifika
12 months, $29,995
Dr Miriam James-Scotter, The University of Auckland
Developing a model to grow nurse practitioner-led urgent care in Aotearoa
12 months, $29,812
Associate Professor Cameron Lacey, University of Otago
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression
12 months, $30,000
Dr Toby Macrae, University of Canterbury
Speech-language therapy assistant-delivered interventions for children
6 months, $30,000
Dr John McMenamin, Health Solutions Trust
Best start māmā and pēpī 6-week check
12 months, $30,000
Ms Jane O'Donnell, Massey University
Delivery of respiratory support in the emergency department
12 months, $30,000
Dr Christopher Paton, University of Otago
Designing accessible and equitable New Zealand telehealth services
12 months, $27,416
Associate Professor Shane Scahill, The University of Auckland
Understanding organisational culture for healthcare quality
18 months, $29,228
Dr Denise Taylor, Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington
Accessing healthcare services by refugees: health professionals' perspectives
18 months, $29,724
Professor Gillian White, Health Solutions Trust
Assessment of pregnancy and postnatal maternal emotional distress
15 months, $29,960
Dr Annie Wong, University of Otago
Circulating tumour DNA in improving the diagnosis of lung cancer
12 months, $27,200
Health Delivery Research Career Development Award 2
Mrs Te Hao Apaapa-Timu, Te Whatu Ora - Counties Manukau
Ka Pō, Ka Ao, Ka Awatea: Bringing research review processes for Māori to light
24 months, $146,593
Dr Sarah Leadley, The University of Auckland
Improving equity and access to intervention for children with tube dependency
12 months, $62,990
Dr Russell Pine, Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington
Enhancing educational psychology internship placements
24 months, $139,934
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