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Wellbeing of essential workers during COVID-19: Community support

14 months
Approved budget:
Professor Katherine Ravenswood
Ms Kirsty McCully
Miss Melissa Woolley
Dr Amber Nicholson
Dr Fiona Hurd
Auckland University of Technology
Health issue:
Wellbeing (autonomy self-determination)
Proposal type:
Community Action Grant
Lay summary
This project works in partnership with community support workers and their unions E tū and the PSA. Community support workers' wellbeing has been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 policy and practice response. One hundred and twenty interviews will be conducted by the research team and participant-researchers, including a specific Māori stream. This project asks 'What challenges have community support workers experienced, and how has this impacted their health and social wellbeing during COVID-19?'. This project will document the actions taken by this community to protect their own wellbeing, and that of their clients, during the COVID-19 response. Their experiences during the COVID-19 response will directly inform recommendations that can be implemented to reduce inequity in the wellbeing of Māori community support workers, and community support workers in general, during the COVID-19 response and in future disruptive events.