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Using the NZ Breast Cancer Registries for targeted molecular research

19 months
Approved budget:
Professor Michael Black
University of Otago
Health issue:
Cancer (oncology)
Proposal type:
Breast Cancer Register Project
Lay summary
This research will comprise a comprehensive analysis of the combined NZ Breast Cancer Registers (NZBCR) data with the goals of: (1) comparing molecular data characteristics with those contained in the NZ Cancer Registry to identify how closely the NZBCR data relates to that collected by the national registry; (2) determining whether trends observed internationally (e.g., static rates of ER- tumours and increasing rates of ER+ tumours) are also occurring in New Zealand; (3) determining whether ethnicity-specific trends observed internationally (e.g., ER- rates for specific ethnic groups converging to those of European women) also occur in New Zealand-specific populations (e.g., Maori and Pacific), and also in other minority ethnic groups present in New Zealand; (4) identify specific contexts in which further molecular research could improve patient survival (e.g., identifying subgroups with different treatment responses which may have an underlying molecular determinant); and (5) develop prototype web-based tools for analysis and visualisation of NZBCR data.