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Upholding the right of Māori older adults to control their medicines journey

6 months
Approved budget:
Dr Joanna Hikaka
The University of Auckland
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Māori Health Knowledge Translation Grant
Lay summary
Māori older adults have the desire, ability, and right to control their medicines journey. Authentic healthcare partnerships with pharmacists can support this. Jo Hikaka, a Māori pharmacist, has explored Māori older adults' experiences of medicines and pharmacy services in the course of her current doctoral work. This dissemination grant would allow the translation of these findings into material that is accessible to pharmacists and Māori older adults. An education package for pharmacists and pharmacy staff will be developed and disseminated to support, and improve, pharmacists' ability to deliver quality services to Māori older adults. An infographic tool for Māori older adults will be developed to support them to gain more control over their medicines, more confidence engaging with pharmacists, and improve medicines-related health outcomes.