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Tongan children's physical activity - native vs. New Zealand migrant

3 months
Approved budget:
Ms Sophia Dean
University of Otago
Health issue:
Physical activity/exercise
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
The Pacific is a world leader in non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Reducing premature mortality from NCDs by one third by 2030 is the NCD target for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This is a major challenge for the Pacific region (United Nations, 2017). In 2016, the Kingdom of Tonga hosted the Pacific NCD Summit that explored how to accelerate progress in addressing the NCD challenge. Tonga has had an NCD Strategy since 2004. Current priorities focus on children and adolescents and include increasing physical activity. This research will report on Kids’Cam Tonga, using innovative methodology to explore the world of Tongan children by analysing the causes of, and interventions to address, non-communicable diseases in Tonga. It will do so through an initial analysis of the physical activity of Tongan children and compare this to Tongan children in NZ