Lay summary
The beginnings of our iwi Raukawa start with a journey that Tūrongo (Raukawa's father) made from Kawhia on the West Coast to Kahotea, Hastings, on the East Coast. His journey was one of healing from heartbreak as he left the whare he had built for Ruaputahanga after she chose his brother over him. Te Whare o Ngarue represents the space of grief experienced by Tūrongo but was also the start of a journey to find healing and wellbeing by moving across Te Ika a Māui and eventually meeting Māhinaarangi. In 2020 a group of seven Raukawa wāhine retraced Māhinaarangi's trail back from Kahotea to Rangiatea transformationing their wellbeing as wāhine. But the journey didn't start there, and so this proposal is to develop a better understanding of Tūrongo's journey, where he went, how and why and how retracing this journey might impact the health and wellbeing of Raukawa tāne.