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Te Puna Roimata Te Oranga whanau

6 months
Approved budget:
Reverend Bettina Maxwell
Health issue:
Wellbeing (autonomy self-determination)
Proposal type:
Rangahau Hauora Training Grant
Lay summary
This Rangahau Hauora application comprises two complementary components: a) a substantive research component; and b) a more general Maori health research capacity-building component. The first component is a study that will explore tangihanga from a Ngai Tai perspective, focusing on the ways in which values, beliefs and practices are expressed. A multi-methods approach, including a review of the relevant literature, two focus groups, five key informant interviews and a thematic analysis of the data will be undertaken. Project outcomes will include capturing Ngai Tai tangihanga tikanga, in both traditional and contemporary times, and will aim to contribute to the transmission of this cultural knowledge to support the wellbeing of Ngai Tai whanau, Torere Marae and the greater iwi collective. The second component aims to provide an opportunity for the applicant to gain research experience that will strengthen their practice and knowledge base as a future Ngai Tai leader.