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Te kura mai i tawhiti

66 months
Approved budget:
Dr Mihi Ratima
Te Pou Tiringa Incorporated
Health issue:
Child and youth (healthy) development
Proposal type:
Māori Health Feasibility Study
Lay summary
The full research programme ‘Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti’ aims is generate evidence around what constitutes effective early life kaupapa Māori programming that will lead to improved health outcomes later in life for tamariki. We will look closely at Māori and Western concepts of early childhood behaviours (e.g. whanaungatanga, self-control) where there is evidence and/or strong indications that intervention in early life leads to positive health outcomes in later life. The proposed 1-year feasibility study is part of the wider research. The feasibility study will enable us to look closely at and resolve feasibility issues that otherwise would make it impractical or impossible to meet the aims of the full research programme. For example, the feasibility study will help us to determine whether our research tools are able to measure change in the behaviours of interest in tamariki (the child acts as their own control) over a one year period.