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Subsequent Injury Study (SInS): Improving outcomes for injured New Zealanders

30 months
Approved budget:
Professor Sarah Derrett
Health issue:
Injury (intentional and unintentional)
Proposal type:
Lay summary
Subsequent injury (SI; sometimes referred to as re-injury or being ‘accident prone’) is a major contributor to the global injury disability burden. Last year, New Zealand’s injury insurer (ACC) spent $2.9 billion and received 1.8 million injury claims. Our prior analyses indicate 28% of these may be SI. The Subsequent Injury Study (SInS) aims to contribute to improved outcomes for individuals and populations by identifying: modifiable risk factors predicting ACC-reported SI (ACC-SI); participation, health and disability outcomes; and costs following ACC-SI, as necessary first steps towards developing interventions for injured populations. SInS will leverage the wealth of information already collected from our earlier Prospective Outcomes of Injury Study (POIS; n=2856 including 566 Maori) through linkage with 1) ACC data about ACC-SI for two years following an initial injury, and 2) the National Minimum Dataset of hospital discharges for SI – providing a unique opportunity to address a clear gap in knowledge.