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Seeking the transport sweet spot: health, equity and zero carbon

44 months
Approved budget:
Associate Professor Caroline Shaw
Dr Anja Mizdrak
Associate Professor Melissa McLeod
Associate Professor Rhys Jones
Professor Alistair Woodward
Professor Tony Blakely
Dr Linda Cobiac
Mr Edward Randal
University of Otago
Health issue:
Climate change
Proposal type:
Lay summary
The New Zealand land transport system is a source of adverse health impacts, inequity and greenhouse gas emissions. The transformation of this system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is also an opportunity to substantially improve population health and reduce inequities. If the ‘right’ policies are implemented we could reduce injury, improve air quality and increase physical activity. This Project will work with advisors from the transport sector to develop a range of plausible New Zealand-specific scenarios to reduce land transport emissions and extend an existing model to allow us to examine the costs, health impacts and greenhouse gas emission changes over time for each different scenario compared to a baseline. The model will report results by age, sex, city, and for Maori and non-Māori, giving us the ability to examine potential inequities and consider specific scenarios that might work best for Māori.