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Rangahau Taonga Puoro

6 months
Approved budget:
Mr Jerome Kavanagh
Massey University
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Rangahau Hauora Training Grant
Lay summary
This Rangahau Hauora training grant enables me to develop research skills to gather and demonstrate the value of taonga puoro as a healing pathway for Māori. These skills will strengthen my capabilities as I continue to evolve as a taonga puoro practitioner, who is particularly interest in exploring the hauora promoting potential of taonga puoro. I will work with Prof Helen Moewaka Barnes and Whariki, who have a considerable track record in Kaupapa Māori research and hauora. I will travel to communities and hold taonga puoro healing sessions with diverse Māori groups and individuals. I will gather group and individual stories through wananga korero and record my observations. This data will be analysed and shared with others. The research will provide stories at this time of resurgence. Mātauranga will be shared so taonga puoro can contribute to hauora in multiple environments and be accessible to those who would benefit.