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A qualitative investigation of experiences of aged residential care by Māori

84 months
Approved budget:
Ms Karen Keelan
University of Otago
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Māori Health PhD Scholarship
Lay summary
At present there is a paucity of information comparing and contrasting Maori needs and preferences in Aged Residential Care (ARC). This project offers the unique opportunity to explore and examine the views of elderly Maori ARC users and their whanau around their perceptions and experiences with ARC. Semi-structured interviews with rural and urban samples of elderly Maori and whanau from two different regions (Christchurch and Te Tairawhiti) will be conducted. Information will be collected examining pathways into ARC, factors contributing to decisions about ARC, process of reaching decisions about ARC, expectations and experience of delivery of ARC, relationship with ARC and other healthcare providers and perceived gaps in services. The findings from this study will make an important contribution to the creation of Maori health knowledge in this area and will be integrated to develop an evidence base for best practice in ARC facilities.