Lay summary
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is recognised as a public health issue in New Zealand (NZ). Maori and Pacific people in NZ carry this burden with a 3-5 x greater risk of developing End Stage Kidney Disease and commencing subsequent Renal Replacement Therapy than NZ European. Pacific people have been found to be 2.62 times more likely to develop CKD unrelated to diabetic nephropathy. The prevalence of CKD in Samoan people has never been studied nor has the associated risk factors for its development been evaluated. This study proposes to compare and contrast the prevalence of CKD in Samoan people resident in New Zealand with Samoan people resident in Samoa. At the same time, it will look at the risk factors associated with CKD in Samoan people both in New Zealand and Samoa, to try and understand any relationships between these and the development and progression of CKD.