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Pona Kakā: A holistic approach to arthritis intervention

18 months
Approved budget:
Dr Lily George
Mr Jonathan George
Miss Vivienne Ngere
Miss Sharla Johnson
Miss Karen Hereora
Ms Anah Wara
Miss Chelsee Peita
Dr Vladimir Obolonkin
Ms Jincy John
Waikare Community Development & Research Trust
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Project Grant
Lay summary
Arthritis (pona kakā) is a common and debilitating chronic disease and one of the leading causes of disability in New Zealand. In 2018, Deloitte Access Economics estimated the cost of arthritis to be around $12.2bn. Māori have inequitable rates of various forms of arthritis. The project will utilise a range of modalities including massage, podiatry, health literacy and gentle exercise. The primary aim is to test the effectiveness of a marae-based holistic and Kaupapa Māori intervention for Māori arthritis sufferers for pain management, improved quality of life, and the impact on individual co-morbidities (if any – e.g., pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity). A secondary aim is to identify the importance of Kaupapa Māori health interventions for Māori, particularly in relation to arthritis, but which will have relevance for other Māori-focused health interventions. We will also conduct a regional survey regarding the impact of arthritis on Māori over 50.