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Pae Herenga: An investigation of Māori whānau end of life cultural care customs

48 months
Approved budget:
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Project
Lay summary
This study will investigate the traditional end-of-life Māori care customs that whānau draw on to strengthen their end-of-life caregiving activities and support palliative care service provision. We will identify the barriers and facilitators Māori experience to using these care customs within different care settings (home, hospice, hospital and aged residential care). We will develop an educational online resource (2 hour DVD [guidelines provided by Te Ārai Kaumātua; digital stories and explanatory commentaries following each story and extracts of participants’ audio narratives]; information on cultural care customs, helpful palliative care information and peer reviewed articles). The resource will share information about care customs with diverse Māori whānau, their communities and the palliative care sector.