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Optimising telerehabilitation practice in Aotearoa

36 months
Approved budget:
Professor Nicola Kayes
Dr Anna Rolleston
Associate Professor Felicity Bright
Dr Hinemoa Elder
Professor Stephen Reay
Mark Shirley
Dr Marama McDonald
Health issue:
Injury (intentional and unintentional)
Proposal type:
Health Delivery Project
Lay summary
Telerehabilitation is a niche area of telehealth, where people are engaged over a prolonged period. Research and guidelines commonly position telerehabilitation as an alternative to in-person care and focus on efficacy and modifying interventions for remote delivery. The more nuanced aspects of practice (e.g. engagement, culturally responsive practice, therapeutic relationship) have not been addressed, despite being critical to outcome. Further, while telerehabilitation can enhance service access for some, it has the potential to exacerbate (or introduce) inequities for others. Our aim is to explore the experiences and perspectives of people, whānau, and providers and work with them to co-produce tools to optimise the provision of telerehabilitation. We will draw on He Awa Whiria, a model for integrating kaupapa Māori and Western Science to ensure knowledge equity in our research process and findings and inform the implementation of equity-oriented and culturally-responsive telerehabilitation practice and policy that is unique to Aotearoa.