Lay summary
The research goals are to:
(1) Examine available information/data sources that are relevant to the project.
(2) Conduct consultation internal to TToH services to develop appropriate measurement tools and assessment frameworks.
(3) Conduct consultation with the TToH community regarding community needs and aspirations in relation to accessing holistic whanau support, and expectations regarding efficient and effective services.
(4) Develop indicators for successful service delivery from the perspective of both the organisation and the community.
The research uses an integrated approach with a mixed-method design. Previously collected data will be sourced and assessed, and new data collected by survey from both within the TToH services and in the community that use TToH services. It will include both qualitative and quantitative components. Consultation hui will be held to support community engagement and feedback.
Potential health outcomes:
Improved mental and physical health in the target populations (Maori, Pasifika, youth, children, elderly).