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Marginalism, racism and tokenism: The experiences of Māori dietitians

12 months
Approved budget:
Ms Hannah Rapata
Associate Professor Donna Cormack
Professor Lisa Te Morenga
Dr Nikki Renall
Miss Rhiannon Jones
Dr Tara McAllister
Te Kāhui Manukura o Kai Ora
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Project Grant
Lay summary
The objective of this study is to document and share the experiences of the 30 to 40 Māori dietitians and dietetic students in Aotearoa, New Zealand. To particularly highlight the challenges of marginalism, racism and tokenism, which Māori dietitians and dietetic students face in training and workplaces as tangata whenua. This will be the first study to specifically examine the experiences of Māori dietitians and dietetic students in Aotearoa. The purposes of this study will inform initiatives that support Māori workforce development in dietetics and cultural safety within the profession.