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Maramataka: The Rising of Ancestral Waters

4 months
Approved budget:
Ms Tiana Mihaere
Jess Collins
Āio Nuku
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Development Grant
Lay summary
A research capacity development project that aims to strengthen the foundational methodology of Te Pahī o Āio Nuku. We will explore maramataka, an indigenous concept of time, and its implementation within hauora Māori interventions that improve health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori. This kaupapa aims to align and establish the maramataka that will be followed within a Whare Hauora (purpose-built indigenous health centre). As this Whare Hauora will likely sit within the korowai manaaki (embrace) of Te Waipounamu, we are investigating mātauraka (knowledge) that originates from Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe and Kāi Tahu iwi. We will gather information pertaining to maramataka from Te Waipounamu, learn orokohaka pūrākau (origin narratives) that can be implemented within existing healing frameworks, develop connections with wider networks of maramataka practitioners/knowledge holders and record observations of the maramataka whilst taking the time to stop, exist alongside and grow our connection ā wairua (spiritual) to the marama.