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Maori satisfaction In their health by DHB regions: do these make a difference?

3 months
Approved budget:
Ms Cinnamon-Jo Lindsay
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
The proposed research will use 5 years of data from an ongoing and existing longitudinal national study, the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. It will aim to determine whether Maori people's levels of satisfaction with their health changed over the past five-year period, and does the level of change differ across different District Health Boards. For example, has the satisfaction of Maori people with their health been increasing at a greater rate for those who live in some DHB regions, relative to others? Exploring changes in Maori health satisfaction over a 5 year period will give insight into whether it is increasing or declining and reasons for this can be explored. By furthering this research and looking at trends across DHB regions a deeper understanding of the reasons and contributing factors to Maori health satisfaction may be extrapolated.