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Māori experiences with oral health services in Aotearoa

3 months
Approved budget:
Ms Maia Tapsell
Professor Emma Wyeth
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Māori Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
In Aotearoa, clear oral health disparities exist with Māori experiencing a high proportion of oral disease, predominantly manifesting as dental decay, when compared to non-Māori. The perceptions and experiences of patients are important in understanding how the health system is, or is not, facilitating access to care and operating to improve health of communities and populations, and is therefore an invaluable tool for quality assurance and improvement. Within Aotearoa, there has been limited research on Māori experiences with oral health services. This project will focus on Māori experiences, perceptions of, and satisfaction with, oral health services within Aotearoa. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted to gain greater insights into barriers and facilitators within the current oral health system. The findings from this project will provide a rich knowledge base for future research and provide recommendations on how oral health services can improve to be more accessible for Māori.