Lay summary
The training course is a part of the Kanohi Kitea HRC funded Mā wai e tō taku kauae ki uta research project HRC 19/970. It is a kaupapa Ngāti Pikiao, kaupapa Māori rangahau Māori training course which will support a trainee (Rehua Mihaka) to build on, expand and further develop research knowledge, skills and practices.
The trainee will learn kaupapa Maori research ethics in a hapori - community-tertiary institution based workshop alongside the research team members, and will apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the development and implementation of research information and consent forms, data gathering and data analysis processes and protocols, and report writing.
The trainee will also have the opportunity to attend a research proposal development workshop with kaimahi (academic staff) at Toi Ohomai.