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A lifecourse approach to health and wellbeing

3 months
Approved budget:
Dr Moerangi Tamati
Health issue:
Child and youth (healthy) development
Proposal type:
Māori Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
The purpose of the proposed Taranaki Maori community-based research is to contribute towards the measurement of key Maori constructs relevant to child behaviour that underlie early-life programming that is likely to lead to improved health outcomes for Maori over the lifecourse. The research will inform a larger project and will provide opportunities to learn from expert researchers. Studentship objectives are to: 1. Undertake a literature review on Maori constructs relevant to early-life programming linked to health outcomes and will draw on oral Taranaki Maori knowledge/audio recordings 2. Assist in the trialling of research techniques to enable the determination of the most valid and reliable measurements of core child behaviour constructs of interest The project will provide me with training in research methodology, methods and report writing as a platform for career development as a medically trained Maori health researcher equipped to contribute to health equity and improved outcomes for Maori.