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Kia Kitea ai te Ora COVID-19 Life- Changing

18 months
Approved budget:
Dr Kahu McClintock
Ms Rachel McClintock
Mr Neil Rogers
Ngati Maniapoto Marae Pact Trust
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Project Grant
Lay summary
Kia kite ai te Ora COVID-19 life-changing research project will report COVID-19 Lived Experiences on Ngāti Maniapoto Iwi within their Tainui boundary of Mokau ki runga Tamaki ki raro. Ngāti Maniapoto Iwi members will be included in the Kia kite ai te Ora COVID-19 life-changing research project on a consensual basis, who domicile within and outside the traditional Iwi boundary from 2020 – 2023. Lived Experience COVID-19 narratives and the associated post- COVID-19 environment on Ngāti Maniapoto Iwi members will be a focus. A quantitative online survey will provide a view of Ngāti Maniapoto Iwi members who experienced COVID-19 from March 2021 – March 2023 to record an understanding of COVID-19 impact. Qualitative, individual and wānanga (focus group) interviews will create opportunities to understand better what works and provide continuous opportunities to collect Mātauranga (Knowledge). This action will inform Mauri Ora of the future Health and Social Well-being of Ngāti Maniapoto.