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Kaumātua use of digital technology post COVID-19 to meet their health needs

12 months
Approved budget:
Dr Dianne Wepa
Auckland University of Technology
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Development Grant
Lay summary
A key finding from the scoping study "Reconnecting for Māori in a Post COVID-19 world" (22/029) was that kaumātua in particular adapted to digital technology in various ways. This project will explore further how kaumātua re-imagine new ways of connecting digitally with whānau, hapū and iwi to meet their health needs. Using a kaupapa Māori approach, hui and waananga will be held within Ngāti Kahungunu to build relationships and networks. The hui will provide an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the health needs of kaumātua when accessing and using digital technology. Specific digital technology and health research expertise will be recruited to assist with planning and scoping a larger research project to benefit the research and health aspirations with and for Ngāti Kahungunu.