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Improving the uptake of hearing health services in older Pasifika people

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Ravi Reddy
The University of Auckland
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Postdoctoral Fellowship
Lay summary
This study will provide an understanding of older Pacific people's perceptions and attitudes towards hearing loss and the influences determining their uptake or lack of uptake of hearing health services. Personal and societal factors such as attitudes, perceived accessibility of health services, and cultural/community norms around hearing disability will be explored. The Ecological Model for Health Promotion, which considers multiple levels of behavioural influence (intrapersonal;interpersonal; community; organisational; policy), will provide the theoretical framework for the study. Talanoa interviews focusing on the components of this model will establish which factors have influence on older Pacific people’s uptake of hearing health services. The intended outcome is to provide evidence-based findings to support decision-making about service delivery strategies and approaches that would improve or enhance the uptake and effectiveness of hearing health services for older Pacific people.