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Honour project Aotearoa

42 months
Approved budget:
Professor Leonie Pihama
Health issue:
Wellbeing (autonomy self-determination)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Project
Lay summary
This project will investigate understandings of well-being and access to health services for the Maori Takatapui community. The project will build on the Honor Project undertaken by the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute at the University of Washington which explored well-being within the Native American Two Spirit community. The research is informed by Kaupapa Maori methodology and will take a mixed methods approach to enable a range of processes to gathering information and data that will form a basis for understanding the complexities of being a minority group within an indigenous population. 'Honour Project Aotearoa' is the first project to explore the health needs of Takatapui Maori as a community and provide insights into processes by which health service delivery can serve the needs of this particular community.