Lay summary
Exploring the process of bone marrow donation offers rich insights into whakapapa, whānau, spirituality and connection that distinguishes itself from the wider kaupapa of organ donation. While the sentiment of the ‘gift of life’ is often associated with the act of donation, the unique genetic element between bone marrow donor and recipient weaves together the past, present and future in a way that centres Māori identity, health and wellbeing. While Māori perspectives on organ donation have been explored before, there is an opportunity to extend research further to explore the potential for positive health outcomes or pathways to wellness to be found within Māori for Māori. When considered through the lens of cultural values such as whakapapa, manaakitanga, mana and mauri, it can shift the kōrero from one that has been heavily medicalised by western frameworks to one enables Māori led health solutions.