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Developing a collaboration between rongoa Maori and western medicine

Approved budget:
Professor Jonathan Koea
Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Knowledge Translation Grant
Lay summary
In order to develop a collaboration framework for the successful introduction of rongoa Maori services within the health system a synthesis of all available literature was undertaken. This included review of 75 articles and identified five themes and 28 sub-themes needing to be addressed prior to introduction of rongoa Maori services. A survey of attitudes of health professionals towards rongoa Maori was then undertaken at Waitemata District Health Board with 1181 responses and preliminary findings suggesting that healthcare workers support the provision of rongoa Maori services in the health system. We aim to use the knowledge translation grant funding to distribute both research reports to community, medical and tertiary institution libraries throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand for access by all people.