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Demystifying injury prevention and care: Whakamā to Whakamana

3 months
Approved budget:
Ms Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford
Poutiri Trust
Health issue:
Injury (intentional and unintentional)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Knowledge Translation Grant
Lay summary
Whaioranga te Pā Harakeke is a research project that explored unintentional injury incidence and characteristics in Te Arawa rohe, older Māori experiences of accessing injury prevention and care, older Māori solutions for improvement in care, development of a paeārahi-led injury prevention and care intervention, and testing the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention.This grant will be used to host a hui in either Rotorua or Te Puke, the two key centres where this research has taken place. The focus of the hui will be on demystifying access to injury prevention, care and ACC, with the intention that it will support Māori to increase advocacy and access.