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Changes in neural control of the heart following a heart attack

6 months
Approved budget:
Miss Christina Gordon
University of Otago
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Māori Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
A heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI), triggers a dangerous increase in nerve activity to the heart which can cause the heart to beat erratically, or even stop suddenly. This body of research aims to determine whether 'reperfusion therapy' following a heart attack (i.e. unblocking of the coronary arteries), reduces the dangerously high nerve activity to the heart. An experimental animal model can be used to record changes in cardiac sympathetic nervous activity (SNA) following an MI and, importantly, determine whether SNA returns to normal following early vs late vs no reperfusion therapy. Within this large study, I will be responsible for performing the experiments of 'no reperfusion' following acute MI. The conclusions of this research may be particularly important in improving Māori health outcomes, as on average Māori have a higher risk of mortality relating to acute MI.