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Catalyst for Maori health development: a case-study of Maori nursing

3 months
Approved budget:
Miss Erana Burrows
Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi
Health issue:
Other (generic health or health services)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
While nurses make-up a significant proportion of the current health workforce, Maori representation within the profession remains comparatively low. The contribution of Maori nurses to the design of more cultural considered and outcomes focused modes of care has been significant resulting in an improved understanding of how culture connects to health and how services can better respond to the needs of Maori. This research application is designed to examine and elucidate the contribution of Maori nurses to Maori health development.The research will centre on a review of literature, examination of archival material, as well as interviews with selected experts. The project will be hosted by Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi and supervised by Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford (Programme Coordinator, School of Nursing at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi) and Associate Professor Te Kani Kingi (residing in Whakatane). Professor Chris Cunningham (CEO of the Whakatane Based Hepatitis Foundation) is also in support.