Lay summary
There are unacceptable ethnic differences in cancer survival in Aotearoa and an identified gap in cancer support service provision that meet the needs of Māori whānau. The proposed research is an intervention study involving three Māori health organisations. The aims of the study are to: (1) assess the challenges and benefits of implementing and delivering a Māori cancer support whānau programme; and (2) develop a framework of sustainability for a Māori cancer support whānau programme. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with Māori provider staff who will be trained as facilitators to deliver the programme and cancer patients and their whānau both before the programme is implemented and then at one year post implementation to assess whether a cancer support programme consistent with a whānau ora approach meets the needs of Māori living with cancer. Findings will be presented at hui with all facilitators, co-investigators, patients and whānau.