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The breath of a mother: A review of Te Hā Waitaha smokefree pregnancy incentive

3 months
Approved budget:
Miss Julia Kayes
Professor Lutz Beckert
Professor Lutz Beckert
Dr Allamanda Faatoese
Dr Allamanda Faatoese
University of Otago
Health issue:
Addiction (alcohol/drugs/gambling/smoking)
Proposal type:
Pacific Health Summer Studentship
Lay summary
This involves evaluating the performance of a pregnancy incentive programme conducted by the Canterbury District Health Board via the Smokefree provider Te Ha Waitaha. It focuses on the long-term effect of this programme on smoking cessation, which has been offered since 2017. The programme has previously succeeded in engaging Māori and Pacific Islander smokers. This research would focus on the success in the long term. The participants involved in the programme are offered motivational support and vouchers to the total value of $280 throughout their pregnancy. This study would use a telephone survey of participants who were Smokefree at birth, to gather data on self-reporting Smokefree status at one year and up to five years after the programme/birth. I will also be asking participants if they are willing to participate in focus groups for future studies to explore other ways to improve the support available in this area.