Lay summary
The present research extends my current psychosocial and cultural research on reproduction, sexual and reproductive health, and the synthesis of tailored social and health interventions, towards a fuller understanding of rangatahi Māori sexuality that encompasses a sexual violence prevention agenda. Aspiring to a career located within a broader discipline of indigenous, feminist psychologies, and theoretical cross overs, I draw on feminist critical psychology, critical race theory, affective-discursive psychology, kaupapa Māori research, and Mana Wāhine research to delineate social and structural mechanisms that facilitate sexual violence, working to deconstruct and intervene in this space. It is anticipated that collective sexual violence prevention efforts across the sector will reduce the incidence of sexual violence among Māori, and inequities with Pākehā, reducing the potential trauma and harm experienced by those who have lived with the effects of these experiences, and the associated often long term psychological, physical, spiritual, economic, educational, and whānau impacts.