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Ahakoa kahore mātou i te kite kei te kite (We may be blind but we have vision)

12 months
Approved budget:
Mrs Chrissie Cowan
Professor Bridgette Masters-Awatere
Kāpō Māori Aotearoa
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Knowledge Mobilisation Grant
Lay summary
The intent of this research activity is to improve Māori and indigenous peoples eye health and wellbeing through sharing the experiences of tāngata kāpō Māori and their whānau and our research team’s narratives and constructions regarding blindness and disability that are more appropriate for kāpō Māori. We will focus on medical personnel, persons working in health services and eye health practitioners e.g. optometrists and ophthalmologists. We propose a three-pronged approach of conference presentations, information publications and relationship building/training to disseminate our research findings and elevate tāngata kāpō Māoi experiences, stated preferences for engagement, and recommendations that all eye health and associated groups provide accessible AND culturally appropriate services as a matter of course.