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Access pathways to residential aged care for Māori and non-Māori

8 months
Approved budget:
Dr Joanna Hikaka
Dr Dale Bramley
Dr Katherine Bloomfield
Dr Michal Boyd
Dr Zhenqiang Wu
Professor Martin Connolly
Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Health Delivery Research Activation Grant
Lay summary
Inequities in access to healthcare services occur in NZ, including Residential Aged Care (RAC), with Māori less likely to gain access than non-Māori. This study aims to explore ethnic variation in access to RAC at multiple points in the entry pathway. A retrospective analysis of all RAC service referrals and assessments (mandated for publicly-funded home-based care or RAC placement) will occur. Residents (Māori and non-Māori) assessed for admission to RAC facilities in Waitematā District Health Board within the previous 12 months will have access pathways mapped. This research will inform regional policy decisions relating to RAC and wider older adult care services. It will also inform future research aimed at better understanding the experience of Māori and whānau (families) accessing and utilising RAC facilities. This has the potential to offer positive, person and whānau-driven solutions, and increased options, for RAC and older adult home care service redesign.