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Ethics reference documents

Ethics in New Zealand – key regulatory bodies

Beyond the Health Research Council’s committees, there are other important committees and regulatory bodies in New Zealand that contribute to the regulatory environment of health and disability research. Some of these have international standing, while others are more focused on the New Zealand context.

National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC)
NEAC’s statutory functions are to provide advice to the Minister of Health on ethical issues of national significance regarding health and disability research and services, and to determine nationally consistent ethical standards and provide scrutiny for such research and services.

Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ECART)
ECART considers and determines applications for assisted reproductive procedures or human reproductive research and keep under review approvals previously given. In addition, ECART liaises with ACART and other relevant ethics committees on matters relating to assisted reproductive procedures and human reproductive research.

Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART)
ACART has been established to formulate policy and advice specific to the regulation of assisted human reproduction in New Zealand.

National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC)
This committee aims to provide independent, high quality advice to the Minister of Agriculture on policy and practices relating to the use of animals in research, testing and teaching.