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HRC Resource Library

Our research and funding documents contain support and reference information for applicants applying for funding, as well as background information for referees and committee members.

  • Public Health Research Committee

    Advisory and Assessing Committees
    The Public Health Research Committee is a statutory HRC committee set out in the HRC Act, with members appointed by the HRC Council. The committee advises on public health research funding that's offered through a range of HRC grant types.
  • Māori Health Committee terms of reference

    Advisory and Assessing Committees
    This document outlines the Committee's scope and responsibilities.
  • Ethics Committee Terms of Reference

    HRC Ethics and Regulatory Committees
    This document outlines the Committee's scope and responsibilities.
  • Example Career Development Awards Peer Review Manual

    Funding information
    The CDA Peer Review Manual is specifically for Career Development Award applicants and reviewers. It describes each stage of the review process, the roles of referees, science assessing committees and the HRC Secretariat. For the latest CDA Peer Review Manual pertaining to a specific round, head to the relevant funding page on HRC Gateway.
  • Standing Committee on Therapeutic Trials terms of reference

    HRC Ethics and Regulatory Committees
    This document outlines the Committee's scope and responsibilities.
  • Pacific Health Research Committee membership

    Advisory and Assessing Committees
    The Pacific Health Research Committee provides advice to Council on matters of importance to Pacific health research, particularly on areas of priority for investment, and where there are gaps in knowledge, capacity and capability.
  • Example HRC Research Contract

    Funding information
    This example contract covers the agreement between the Health Research Council and a research provider for the duration of a funded research programme.
  • Pacific Health Research Committee terms of reference

    Advisory and Assessing Committees
    This document outlines the Committee's scope and responsibilities.
  • HRC Research Ethics Guidelines

    Ethics reference documents
    The HRC expects investigators to conduct and report their work with objectivity and scientific honesty.
  • Review of HRC Funding Decisions, Policy and Procedure

    Funding information
    This policy outlines how the HRC handles requests for a review of funding decisions.
  • Statement of Intent

    Impact and Performance publications
    The Statement of Intent details our strategic direction and desired outcomes over the medium-term and provides performance indicators in order to measure our progress.
  • NZ Health Research Strategy 2017-2027

    Strategic Goals and Statutory Functions
    This first New Zealand Health Research Strategy brings together science, health, research and innovation to form a more cohesive system that will have the greatest impact on the lives of New Zealanders.