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HRC Resource Library

Our research and funding documents contain support and reference information for applicants applying for funding, as well as background information for referees and committee members.

  • Social media transparency statement

    Impact and Performance publications

    This transparency statement outlines the Health Research Council of New Zealand’s (HRC) approach to using and managing social media.

  • Investment Impact Report

    Impact and Performance publications
    This report demonstrates the effectiveness of the HRC’s investment in health research by highlighting a diversity of research impacts in health outcomes and beyond, to include economic, environmental, and broader social benefits.
  • HRC Annual Report

    Impact and Performance publications
    The annual report is a description of our financial and service performance over the past financial year, ending 30 June. The reports are prepared pursuant to the requirements of clause 38 of the Health Research Council Act 1990 and clause 150 of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
  • Statement of Performance Expectations

    Impact and Performance publications
    This Statement of Performance Expectations sets out the HRC’s operating intentions for the upcoming financial year, including our key performance indicators and targets, and our financial statements.
  • Statement of Intent

    Impact and Performance publications
    The Statement of Intent details our strategic direction and desired outcomes over the medium-term and provides performance indicators in order to measure our progress.