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Webinar: Pathways between research, policy and practice

Event date:
Webinar - Healthier Lives

Innovative health research is being done in New Zealand and overseas. But how do policy makers sort through research evidence to make good policy decisions for Aotearoa? How do practitioners and clinicians integrate the latest research findings into service delivery? And how do researchers make sure their research is addressing key priorities and producing the standard of evidence required for implementation?

Harnessing the power of research and data in more systematic ways will bring us closer towards a learning healthcare system, one which could deliver more equitable health outcomes and improve health outcomes for everyone. But researchers, policy makers and service providers can all struggle at times to find a clear path forward. 

This webinar will explore pathways between health research, policy and practice. It will look at how these pathways connect in other countries and settings, and how they could be streamlined in Aotearoa’s new health system. It aims to start a conversation about the potential for the new health system to deliver better, and more equitable, outcomes for non-communicable diseases through more systematic use of research evidence and health data.

The speakers are leaders in their fields, drawn from a range of health and research organisations in New Zealand and overseas:

  • Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall, Associate Minister of Health
  • Professor Mary L’Abbé, University of Toronto
  • Professor Colin Simpson, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Professor Rod Jackson, University of Auckland
  • A/Professor Matire Harwood, University of Auckland
  • Dr Don Matheson, Deputy-Director General of Public Health and Primary Care Transformation, Ministry of Health
  • Dr Ian Town, Chief Science Advisor, Ministry of Health
  • Dr Bronwyn Croxson, Chief Health Economist, Ministry of Health
  • Professor Sue Crengle, University of Otago and Māori Health Authority
  • Professor Sunny Collings, Chief Executive, Health Research Council of New Zealand
  • Dr Dianne Sika-Paotonu, University of Otago Wellington
  • Professor John Oetzel, University of Waikato

You can register for this webinar now here.