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Health research symposia – Public Health Summer School

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Public health lectures

The Public Health Summer School at the University of Otago, Wellington, offers 18 short symposia and courses (mainly one-day) to those working in or researching health in Aotearoa.

Topics in the 2024 programme include:

  • Public health communications toolkit (14 February, online) 

This workshop will equip participants with a “toolkit” of ideas, skills and approaches for disseminating research and evidence to diverse audiences. Explore how we can make sure public health communication gets to – and is understood by – the people who need to see it.

  • Dirty tactics: Pre-empting tobacco companies’ responses to endgame policies (19 February, online) 

Examine arguments and strategies tobacco companies have used to oppose novel tobacco control policies. Explore tactics they may use to undermine endgame measures and discuss how smokefree researchers can counter these.

  • Cancer prevention and care: Environmental and policy solutions (20 February, online) 

Explore environmental and policy solutions to cancer prevention and care. What is the evidence and what can you do about it? Consider factors such as the role of alcohol, junk food and ultraviolet radiation, and the implications of drug access and wait times. Focus on systems change. Consider the impact of these solutions for other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Find out more:
For more information and to register, visit Earlybird rates are available until 20 December.