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What do tamariki have to say about hauora? A qualitative study using photography

24 months
Approved budget:
Ms Paris Pidduck
Health issue:
Child and youth (healthy) development
Proposal type:
Māori Health Masters Scholarship
Lay summary
My career objectives include obtaining qualifications to become a registered clinical psychologist, equipping me to work with tamariki and their whanau within their community to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent adverse health and social outcomes. Research objectives include conducting qualitative research using interviews and photography to explore tamariki perspectives on hauora and inform future health-related prevention research. I will follow a kaupapa Maori approach and work with 10 tamariki (aged 10-12) and their whanau from Otaki. My proposed qualitative methodology allows for the voices of tamariki to be heard and for taututu and ako to be exercised. Better understanding of tamariki perspectives on hauora may enhance efforts to design developmentally, culturally appropriate and strength-based health-related initiatives, with the potential for improved outcomes in all aspects of hauora: mental, physical, spiritual, and social. I would like to work with tamariki and their whanau within our community to support healthy lifestyles from childhood.