Lay summary
I am a Consultant Paediatrician. My goal is to complete a PhD in child and adolescent obesity intervention and advance my experience in clinical research, as I am committed to this field of clinical research. I am convinced this is the best way for me to contribute to improving health outcomes of children in Aotearoa.
I have created a service for child obesity in Taranaki, and will assess a 12 month multi-disciplinary intervention. A randomised controlled trial has commenced. It aims to determine whether obese children, assessed as 'ready for change', who receive this intervention programme, have significant improvement in health indices, compared with those who are assessed as ready for change who receive current 'standard of care'.
This trial has community and Iwi support, targets Maori, and has the potential to inform weight-related services for children/adolescents nationally. This service targets a research area of interest; I have approval to complete my PhD researching its outcomes.