Lay summary
There is no one shared understanding of the meaning of Whanau Ora, how it can be advanced by Maori health providers generally (including the most effective way to engage with wh?nau) and how it may be used to guide health service delivery. The purpose of the proposed research project is to enable informed, consistent and evidence-based provision of Whanau Ora services by local Maori health providers in Taranaki and other Maori health providers. This will be achieved through the development of a whanau driven framework for health service provider engagement with whanau and for effective Whanau Ora health service delivery by iwi and Maori communities. The research will involve a literature review, community-based wananga with Tangahoe whanau, interviews with Tangahoe whanau members and interviews with other Whanau Ora stakeholders including health service providers.