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Understanding the psychology of Maori wahine problem gambling using Maori metaphors to assist Maori working in the field of problem gambling

3 months
Approved budget:
Dr Laurie Morrison
Health issue:
Addiction (alcohol/drugs/gambling/smoking)
Proposal type:
Māori Health Project - Grant In Aid
Lay summary
The purpose of this application is to enable preparation to publish the key findings and the information about the two interventions that were developed in my doctoral thesis. The conceptualisation of a metaphorical model Te Waka Hurihuri and Te Waka Maia can easily be used for understanding and treating Maori women's problem gambling behaviour. I have disseminated the two interventions widely throughout Aotearoa and amongst indigenous populations. I would like to develop it and make it more accessible to kaimahi and their clients as a reference tool to assist them with the effects of gambling to improve Maori mental health.