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Tupu Ake: Developing a kaupapa Maori definition of resiliency for rangatahi in Taranaki

21 months
Approved budget:
Ms Bry Kopu
Health issue:
Wellbeing (autonomy self-determination)
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Project Grant
Lay summary
The 'Tupu Ake' project seeks to understand and develop a kaupapa Maori definition of 'resiliency' in relation to health and well-being for rangatahi Maori living in Taranaki. Whilst developing a Taranaki definition of resiliency, it is anticipated this may have application for other hapu/iwi to identify the important aspects of young people's lives in order to more effectively address the disparity between rangatahi Maori and non-Maori health outcomes. This project will not only complement the growing research body in New Zealand on 'resilience' but also provide rangatahi Maori who are so often marginalised in communities, with a strong voice. We are a kaupapa Maori organisation and as such will employ a kaupapa Maori methodology throughout the entire project. It is strongly believed the research will meet several gaps in the Taranaki community where policy makers, youth workers and whanau require quality information and culturally appropriate mechanisms in order to positively support rangatahi.